The Concept brought to life


Think Graphic Communication helped make Newcastle's Newest Sporting and Fitness hub's dreams a reality!

The Concept Gym we shopfitted in Newcastle, is now located 16 George St Highfields right near the Azzurri Club and next door to our mates at Sports Clique

The Gym has loads of Hammerstrength Equipment, Group Classes, Crossfit and recovery facilities.


Similar theme to the old gym

1000s of Hand painted affirmations on the walls driving you to keep going!

Bright fluorescent colours highlight certain words for greater impact a theme carried out throughout all the rooms.

Higher up on the shed the walls are filled with sports memorabilia from all different codes - it looks amazing


Logo design

Josh Vincent tweeked the old logo and created a great brand for the new gym.

We branded the gym by clever placement of routed logos throughout the different spaces, adding more colour and life

Energetic sports images and the gym's slogans were combined for the front entrance on the automatic doors, designed creatively for an impressive lasting impact.


Every angle holds a message

Looking up we even applied decals to the support beams and metal framework

Custom canvases were designed and manufactured along with large posters and small framed posters and decals for mirrors


Custom signs made for every surface

For impact and colour one way vision was cleverly designed and applied to the front main doorway and back entrance to the cafe.

Support for local sporting teams were featured here along with more affirmations based around sporting teams. So when the teams are practicing in the nets, or just passing by they can be inspired to strive for greatness.


Privacy was established by using printed etching and printed images for doors and windows

Once again strong, powerful, uplifting images appropriate for the different rooms were applied throughout the gym such as the spa room below.

Every message used holds something personal for each individual.