Thinking of a new brand image?
Think Graphic Communication will work with you to get your branding right.
What is branding?
Everywhere you look you see a logo, symbol, picture, wording, person or advertisement that makes you consider spending your money on a product. This is a part of branding.
Branding also includes the feeling that you get from a product or company before, during and after the purchase.
Good branding is achieved when everything from your business card, radio ad, quotation, website, vehicle, building and sales person all convey what you want to be known for in the public's eye.
Successful branding is when you make a profit because of the time and effort you have put into the promotion and marketing of your business or product.
Why re-brand?
Over Christmas you would have noticed friends or family members updating televisions, computers, phones etc. Their older technology was probably in good working order but for one reason or another it had served it’s purpose and was replaced. People generally like change. We suddenly develop a new interest in something that had been there all along.
This might not be a great analogy but it is one of the reasons I would consider re-branding to a certain degree every 3-5 years. Keep your customers entertained. Try not to inconvenience anyone through the process however.
Signs and vehicles do get old. An old faded and peeling sign can a big negative. A new sign is likely to be cheaper than a television and will give you a much greater return on your investment.
Google actually likes change as well. Movement online is positive for your ranking in searches.
Where should you go for branding?
The obvious place is Think Graphic Communication
Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for people to notice you
Everything from your business cards to your building signage or even branded environment projects. Our team will design artwork to show you what the finished product will look like and make it work for you over a variety of applications. Print, embroidery, online, signs or vehicles.
Wave hello
Custom flags designed by our Think Team are a great way to grab your viewers attention